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Monday, December 21, 2009

Sandra's Satchels

Hi and Happy Holidays!!  Hope you were on my mailing list! 

What a blunder I made....I have a mailing list of those who want to keep up with what's new with Sandra's Satchels.  It is very new, and I want to Update with Product Specials, Coupons, Contests, I'll be in your city etc.,.....So I sent an email -- the ONLY  link available was my Unsubscribe link -- Because I did not put http... the link I thought I had in the text was not available.....sooo, you might have guessed, got it, I got a ridiculous number of unsubscribes..... a number of patient customers let me know they wanted to resubscribe, that they pushed the only link, thinking it would take them to my website --thank you so much to you who did.  One wonderful customer, sent me an email, saying I really want to stay subscribed!  And suggested I have a link to my website....

You really have to like Sandra's Satchels to put up with this and I'm sorry.  Because it is clear that many of you thought you were going to my website when you accidentally unsubscribed, I am going to send you an email allowing offering a way to Subscribe.  Thank you for your patience. 

Next I am going to attempt a death defying trick (folks don't try this at home).  I am going to try to put up a subscribe form that will put you on my mailing list if you so desire!!  Thank you muchly.


About Me

I live in Fremont sell my Sandra's Satchels at the Pike Place Market in Seattle, the Frame Up Shop in Fremont and at I am a mom and a grandma, enjoy great neighbors at home and at the Pike Place Market. I enjoy the loyalty of my customers, and learning about their interests. It is very rewarding to know that my satchels are worn and enjoyed by women and men in every corner of the globe